Sunday, 31 December 2023

Finding a Way (4) - Reflection

Once Xenophon had left and we were were alone, Cecile sat me down and snuggled next to me.

"I should tell you about the Dreamstone, my love. Although you didn't seem quite as surprised at its existence as I thought you would be."

"Maybe that's because Darcy says he touched it."

"Oh! You already knew it was real!" Cecile regarded me quizzically. "So both of us have been closed-lipped about it. What about you? Have you seen it? Touched it?"

I shook my head. "As you've already said, I'm not the most spiritual of rabbits. I don't want to confuse myself with visions."

"That does sound like you. I found my vision comforting. It linked in with what our children have been taught. Seeing the Snow Queen, just like her statue. I actually brought me closer to Mellowdene - almost like I'd been born here."

I wondered what had come first. Had a vision inspired the sculpting of the statue? Or had the statue and the associated myth influenced what Cecile and Darcy had seen, affected by the energies within the Dreamstone? I almost voiced my uncertainty, but stopped when I saw my love's face. She was content in her belief. As I was content in my scepticism. 

"I'm delighted for you, sweet wrinkle. I'm a Mellowdenian by birth and you are one in spirit."

"Maybe that's as it should be. You keep me grounded and..."

"You lift me out of the mundane. In effect you are my breath of fresh air."

"Aw, that's nice." She kissed my cheek. "You make me happy, you know."

"Likewise, my love. And I want to keep you happy. Are you sure you're okay with this Treefellow thing?"

"If you are. In any case I think we can put it out of our minds until we're well into the new year. If daylight is a factor, the longer the expedition is delayed, the longer the days you'll have to do whatever you have to do."

Cecile. Practical as ever. The Dreamstone hasn't changed that.

o 0 O 0 o

(To be continued)

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