
This page details the bears, pandas and koalas who live in the village and within Mellowdene County.

Population count (updated as necessary) currently stands at:
Bamboo 5, Bearbury 13, Beaufort 9, Billabong 6, Outback 5, Evergreen 10, Gingerbread 3, Honeybear 11, Huntingdon 5, Tan 2, Marmalade 7, McFarlane 3, Murdoch 3, Osbourne 10, Petite 10+1, Polaris 7, Pookie 6, Porridge 5, Robinson 4, Snowfluff / Polarstar 3+4, Timbertop 14, Treetop, Other 4  
 = 152

The Bamboo Panda family (5)

Bertram and Alexandra Bamboo have a son Kane, a daughter Clarice and a baby son Chichi. Bertram owns the company Bamboo Builders. He likes to relax at the Bear Pit Club.

The Bearbury Grey Bear family (13)

The three brothers Stan, Henry and Bruno Bearbury are well known figures in Mellowdene.

Stan and Olive Bearbury work for the Woodland Bus Company on the route that runs west of Mellowdene along the coastal road. They have sons Owen and Lex (Alex), and a daughter Livvy (Olivia).

Owen, Olive, Livvy, Stan & Lex

Stan's brother is Doctor Henry Bearbury, a General Practitioner well respected by all his patients. Always keen to keep up to date with the latest treatments, he periodically goes for supplementary training in the knowledge that he works with a group of highly competent colleagues more than capable of filling in whilst he's away. He spent time at the Greybear Clinic in Central Sylvania where they validate less conventional medical methods.

Henry is married to Yvonne and they have a son Oliver, a daughter Angeles and younger daughters called Hayley and Harriet. They live at a house adjoining Minestrone House, a large apartment complex that Henry owns. It provides accommodation for primarily unattached residents within Mellowdene. Originally conceived as accommodation for the hospital staff, it is now open to others. It is a happy community, and includes rooms for members of Captain Seadog's motley crew when required.

The Bearburys are friendly with their neighbours - the Marmalade family live next door to Stan and Olive - and due to work commitments it is not unusual that they share caring duties.

Stan and Henry's brother Bruno is not afraid of getting his paws dirty with heavy gardening, tinkering with engines and as he is happy to help with the maintenance of Minestrone House he decided to live there for convenience. As such, he is often seen wearing bright yellow dungarees - "it helps people find me, and it's a cheerful colour," he says.

Finally, the three Bearbury brothers have a cousin Hercule

The Beaufort Polar Bear family (9)

Sven and Vania Beaufort have a son Valentine, a daughter Verity and tiny twins Victor and Victoria.

Sven has a brother Vincent. Vincent is married to Violet and they have a son Viggo.

The Billabong / Outback Koala family (6+5)

Rolf and Matilda Billabong have a son Clive and a daughter Germaine, two tinies Kylie and Jason. At the nursery tiny Adelaide (Addie) Outback has become attached to Jason and Kylie and the families allow Addie to come and play.

The Billabongs' skill is working with clay, and they brought this to Mellowdene. They do create pots and plates, but this is only a fraction of their contribution to the village. Clay roof tiles and pipes are a speciality.

The other koala family is the Outbacks. Bruce and Carissa Outback have two small girls Addie, Joey and a small boy Ryan.
Joey, Carissa, Ryan, Bruce, Addie


The Evergreen Bear family (10)

Forest and Honeysuckle Evergreen have sons Logan & Preston and daughters Summer & Ashley, plus a baby Dusty. 

Forest's sister - Blossom - lives with her parents Ernest and Primrose. She prefers wearing dungarees to dresses.

Elmer and Rosa Timbertop also lodge with Ernest and Primrose.

Gingerbread bear family (3)

Parkin Gingerbread is married to Honey and they have a son Ethan. 

The Honeybear family (11)

Bertie Honeybear is married to Tamsie and they have children Diggory and Katy. They also have a tiny son Sparky, baby Lucy and the triplets Beezer, Beano and Dandy.
Tamsie, Dandy, Bertie,
Diggory, Beezer, Lucy, Beano, Katy

Bertie, Lucy, Sparky, Tamsie
Diggory, Beezer, Beano, Dandy, Katy

Bertie's has twin brothers Hornby and Horace Honeybear. They both honoured their family name by choosing to become beekeepers. They run the Mellowdene Honey Garden, where an assortment of plants are provided for the bees to create a variety of honeys.

Hornby and Horace

The Huntingdon family (5+2)

Otto Huntingdon is married to Ursula and they have children Miles, Sarah and tiny Greta. They have an area of land where they grow hops and other crops. 
Otto's sister Odessa is married to Marcus Tan. Marcus runs a brewery, with the Bear Pit Club one of his main customers.

Marcus & Odessa Tan

Marmalade bear family (7)

Maurice and Margot Marmalade have two daughters Ottilee and Oonagh , and a son Oscar. Although young, Oscar Marmalade is apprenticed as a member of the crew of the Marita May.

Maurice has a brother Isambard who has a son Norton.

The McFarlane Bear family (3)

Nicholas and Elizabeth McFarlane have a daughter Laurette.

The Murdoch Bear family (3)

Terrence Murdoch has an apartment at Minestrone House where he lives with his wife Shirley. Terrence is one of the doctors associated with the Mellowdene Clinic and General Hospital (usually referred to as the cottage hospital). Whilst loved by his patients, most of the GP duties tends to be covered by his friend and colleague Henry Bearbury. In addition to his considerable medical knowledge and skill, Terrence is an excellent surgeon and is the lead practitioner in this respect. He learned much from his father Elliot Murdoch.

Elliot Murdoch has been a doctor in Mellowdene for many years. When Henry Bearbury returned from the Greybear Clinic having learned many new procedures, he decided he would follow his younger colleague's example. Now that Elliot has returned, he decided Henry should remain the lead GP, and although he will continue with some GP duties he will also spend some time as a consultant.

The Osbourne Bear family (10)

Finley Osbourne and his wife Francesca have a daughter Andrea and two tiny sons Gino and Bradley.

Francesca works at the Blackcurrant CafĂ©, usually when Marion Brighteyes is off shift. Finley works in a club known as the Bear Pit, where people can enjoy refreshments and light meals or snacks. The Bear Pit provides a place to hear live music - especially dinner jazz and other melodic genres. The club gets its beers from Marcus Tan's brewery. 

Finley's brother Arthur is married to Carol and they have children Aiden and Ava and tiny Jason. 

The Petite Bear family (10+1)

Pete Petite is one of the two postmen in Mellowdene, and he has two siblings Patrick and Antonia. Pete is married to Penny and has two children Cory and Rosie. They have also adopted a baby honey bear called Jeremy, who could not be more loved.
Antonia lives with them. She works at the Mellowdene Examiner newspaper and is in charge of the popular People column.

Rosie, Pete, Penny, Cory, Antonia, Jeremy

Patrick is married to Margaret and they have three children, Orion, Piers and Andromeda.

Andromeda, Patrick, Margaret, Piers, Orion

The Polaris Polar Bear family (7)

Peter and Barbara Polaris have two daughters - Julia and tiny Beth.

Peter's brother Paul is married to Mary and they have a son Arlo.

They live in cabins built a short way up the side of one of the mountains overlooking Mellowdene. They chose this location because it is closer to their work, which is based there. It involves gathering and combining fine rock salts that allow them to create Coolsalt - a mixture that is used as a basis for refrigeration. Their fur helps protect them from low temperatures and allows them to enjoy the cold that many other Sylvanians would prefer to avoid. 

The Pookie Panda Family (6)

Walter and Deborah Pookie have a daughter Rosalina and tinies Tyler and Angela.

Deborah's brother is Grayson Newcastle.

The Porridge Bear Family (5)

Cuthbert Porridge is married to Lauren and they have two children, Jack and Chloe.

Cuthbert's brother is called Calbert.

The Robinson Red Panda family (4)

Wilbur and Fliss Robinson have a daughter Frances and a toddler Cali. Fliss is an author, known for writing ghost stories.

The Snowfluff / Polarstar Polar Bear Family (3+4)

Seamus Snowfluff married Maya Polarstar and they have a tiny daughter Yana. Seamus is Maya's second husband and she has four children from her previous marriage. These are twins Valentine and Verity, daughter Dolly and tiny Polly. Due to family tradition, they retain their original surname.
Maya, Yana, Seamus

Valentine & Verity Polarstar

The Timbertop Brown Bear family (14)

Timbertop farm has been worked by this family of brown bears for many years.
Gus and Fern Timbertop took over a small holding when they first arrived in Mellowdene and the farm has now grown into the main source of vegetables for the village.

Taylor Timbertop  has two siblings Tyler and Peony. Peony's husband Zebediah Cody and Tyler do most of the heavy work these days, although Birch is becoming a great help. In addition to Birch, Taylor and Rose have four other children - Ivy, Bud, Daisy and Twiggy.

Ivy, Daisy, Taylor, Twiggy, Rose, Bud, Birch

Tyler, Peony, Gus, Fern & Zeb

Cousin Elmer Timbertop and his daughter Rosa lodge with the Evergreen bears.

The Treetop Koala family (3)

Hillier and Kimberley Treetop have a young daughter Alice.

Other Bears (4)

Bruin Redbear works in for the Truffle brothers in the garages associated with Mellowdene Van Hire. He is incredibly strong. Another resident of Minestrone House.

Bruin has two brothers Xander and Colton. Xander Redbear is married to Lorelei Grizzler.

Colton, Lorelei and Xander

Virtual characters

These are bears who, whilst Mellowdene residents, are not physical models in the collection. As such they do not contribute towards the population count. Their appearance will be irregular.

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