Monday 14 October 2019

Warm Drinks on Cool Days

The temperatures have been noticeably lower in Mellowdene over the past week. The children haven't commented much on this but I note that they are less eager for ice cream and seem to crave hot chocolate drinks more frequently.

I should give you a quick update on the children:

Cecile was able to quickly wash and dry Orton's fragrant coat before he missed it. He is clearly more used to warmer climates as he always grabs his coat before going outside. This is so unlike Brendan, who doesn't mind running about outside even when it's raining. Brendan is delighted to have a boy his age in the family and in the same house, and I'm pleased to report that Orton is responding well. The only other lad of comparable age in the family is Rowan's boy Figwort, but he is still a touch uncertain and shy; he's a nice lad and we obviously need to make more effort to include him, to bring him out of himself. Conversely, his sister Aster is starting to enjoy joining Beverley and her other cousins Biddie and Lena in their girlie mayhem. I use the term advisedly.

Seven children, not including the titchies, so we're getting through the hot chocolate at a fair rate! Should frequent visitors Lucky and Lisa Snow-Warren, Coco and Freya Chocolate, Daisy Cottontail, Suzanne Seadog and Jane Hamilton plus newer Kittie Camp friends Hughie Grunt and Nolly Persis also descend upon our household, stocks will tend to run out much quicker!

I know from previous years when the weather is poor, there are times our big living room fills up with combinations of the above youngsters. Any songwriting work with Chris where we need the piano usually needs to be postponed and I'll find myself seeking sanctuary elsewhere. It's just as well that Cecile and Eliza thrive in such an environment. They don't seem to mind when Merlin and I seek peace elsewhere. We are lucky to have such tolerant wives!

Where do we go? Sometimes we toddle off towards the docks and visit the snack bar. Horatio Seadog has a decent amount of spiced blackcurrant tisane that he brings in from his journeys along the east coast. Served hot, traditionally with sugared bread sticks (although we will eat what's available), we chat with Horatio's brothers and waste time playing jindik - which is an odd combination of draughts and ludo.

There's also the Blackcurrant Café, although we don't spend too much time there just in case Marion Brighteyes should overhear something she shouldn't and this finds its way to Cecile's ears. They do serve the best coffee though. Funnily enough, the next place on our list was first mentioned by Francesca Osbourne who also works in the Blackcurrant Café.

This place is an out-of-the-way basement venue where Finley Osbourne works. It is known as the "Bear Pit" and is a sort of club where they serve an assortment of drinks and snacks and provide music. The music is generally what one might call mellow jazz. Sometimes they ask me to play piano, but I only do that occasionally - after all, Merlin and I are there to relax, chomp on cheese snacks, enjoy mulled fruit drinks or toffee cocoa. It's perfect for preparing us for the walk home in cold weather.

Of course Chris Snow-Warren provides us a bolt hole sometimes. His charming wife Charity and bubbly daughters Hope and Susan always make us welcome, but we don't stay too long because we know that baby Connor needs a lot of attention. That said, Charity has a recipe for hot citrus bang-bangs that has to be tasted to be believed. A mug of this, and you won't need anything else to fight off an autumn cold.

When we arrive back home, the juvenile horde has usually left, leaving solely our own immediate family. Orton is a little clingy at the moment, so he will give Merlin a big hug when he sees him. Brendan and Beverley will nudge each other, happy that their new cousin is finding his place.

Cecile will raise an eyebrow. "I hope you've not spoiled your appetite, Jack."

"Of course not, my love," I will say.

You see, I learn my lessons. A pint mug of Horatio's lobster bisque, a slice of Marion's rich egg custard with my fresh coffee, an Acorn Valley cheese and pickle toastie with my Bear Pit cocoa, and wedges of Charity's honeycomb cheesecakes with my hot bang-bang are all rather filling.

When you have a dinner awaiting you at home, you should never consume all of these in one afternoon...

o 0 O 0 o


  1. Cute story, Jackson, and a great way to cover many of Mellowdene's food & drink establishments all at once! I had to giggle at the last photo, with the memories of the treats all floating around Jackson's head!

    1. Thanks GreyRabbit; glad you liked it. I wondered if Jackson was being a bit mean going off with Merlin and leaving Cecile and Eliza to cope with so many children, but I guess he does his fair share of domestic duties. And as he usually works from home, maybe Cecile is glad for him to take some me-time.

  2. Such a cute story, Jackson! I liked looking at all of the adorable pictures. I'm glad to hear that Orton is doing well with Merlin and Eliza, and I was smiling looking at all of the places you can get a quick drink and maybe some snacks, and the picture with Jackson and all of the treats floating around him. Great story!
    Emilie and the Maples

    1. Hi Emilie! Thanks. Orton is settling in nicely, and I'm pleased to see him get on with Brendan and Beverley. Jackson and Merlin enjoy their little outings but now ration themselves to snacks at one place only!

  3. Hi Jackson!
    This was a great contribution to the warm drinks challenge! It was interesting to visit all of Jackson and Merlin's favourite hangouts. I'm not sure I blame them for wanting to escape the crowded living room! It sounds rather overpopulated!
    Lovely to hear that Orton has settled into the family well!
    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Kelsie!
      It was a nice opportunity to create a room for Chris Snow-Warren and show his family for the first time. The new bunny-design wallpaper printed out with more subtle colours than the one at Jackson's house. I should bring Susan and Hope into more stories - they are nice white rabbits and are underused.
      I'm surprised but very happy how well Orton has settled in, especially when one considers his lack of experience socialising when traveling with his parents. I think Snorker must have helped - that little mountain hog seems to infect people with good humour.

  4. Hello Jackson!

    Wonderful story, as always! I enjoyed seeing all the places where you can enjoy warm drinks in Mellowdene. You did a great job creating the different environments! Having a nice drink and delicious snack at home (or the Snow-Warren's home!) is great, but it's always fun to go out for a nice coffee or a piece of cake. The spiced blackcurrant tisane at the snack bar sounds amazing! The Bear Pit looks impressive and very realistic. I can almost hear the jazz music the band is playing.
    No wonder Cecile worries, with so many delicious snacks and drinks available!
    I'm also happy to read that Orton is doing so well.
    Have a great week!

    1. Hi Ayrell! Thank you! After it's understated introduction in the Seabreeze story, the dock snack bar is proving a handy place for informal snacks and meetings - and some of the stuff that Horatio brings back isn't always the usual stuff that other Mellowdene establishments tend to order.

      Whilst I was pleased with the look of Chris Snow-Warren's room, the Bear Pit turned out better than I'd hoped. Handy to give Finley a job as barman/landlord, but also nice to give Gus Timbertop a chance to return to his Bear Banging!

      Orton sends this thanks. Enjoy the rest of the month!
