Saturday 12 October 2024

The Brothermeet (Part Two)

Leaving Merlin's living room, rather than aiming for my brother's outer door, Newton began to follow me to my side of the house. Curiously, I looked at my twin.

"We need to talk in private, Jack," he said in a low voice. "Shall we go to your front room?"

"No. Cecile's in there with some of her Cake Club friends. We can't use the dining room as Beverley’s in there. She wanted the table to paint her watercolours. Is the kitchen okay? And whatever do you want to discuss outside the Brothermeet?"

"I'll say when we get to the kitchen."

I shrugged and we walked through the house. Once in the kitchen, he didn't speak immediately. Maybe he was considering his words but in the end he shook his head, pulled back a chair and came to the point.

"How much does Merlin know? He seemed comfortable rattling off terms like portals and speed-tunnels..."

"I told him most of it. No, don't look at me like that. With all the drama with Orton's parents, he and Eliza deserved to know. But they know to keep it to themselves"

A sigh. "Okay, you're probably right. But who else knows?"

"Cecile, of course. Chris - don't frown. He's like a brother and Tara has been living in his house alongside Nigel. My absence back then (* see Routes of Sylvania) needed explaining and it seemed safer to give him the facts rather than pick up bits elsewhere. Oh, and obviously I've told Darcy."

"Darcy Fielding? A newspaper mouse? What were you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that you provided the technology for him - and me - to write a blog for humans. That alone shows he can keep a secret from Mellowdene's villagers."

Newton seemed mollified. "You know about that."

"Of course I do. You don't have to worry about anyone I've told. Besides, others already know some aspects."


"Mulder Honey-Fox has quite a file on wild energies. Also, what about the team Xenophon Treefellow assembled to help penetrate Tall Tree Forest? Rolf, Delvin, Bruin, Feargal will know some aspects. Ricardo will, of course. Even Cecil Walnut and his Skyrider were involved when we were disabling portals."

"That many?"

"They are responsible crittizens. Xenophon will have directed them accordingly. "

"So you don't think I have anything to worry about."

"No. But as far as Merlin's concerned, you know he will continue to research all he can find about the Woodzeez. Who knows what he may unearth? Which reminds me - you mentioned Honeysuckle Hollow. When I was in Chunglewood that was something Roy Kingsberry mentioned in passing. What is it?"

Again I detected some reticence. I know his job at the Sylvanian Research Group tends to require him to keep secrets. Clearly my discoveries had put him in an awkward position.

"Ah. Very well. Briefly - there was a valley in the Woodzeez realm that was covered in a deep growth of honeysuckle. At night it apparently had a faint blue glow and came to be considered a spiritual place. It was the original Honeysuckle Hollow and numerous villages were named after it."

"Blue glow? Are we talking about wild energies here?"

"I think it likely. Woodzeez critters seeking enlightenment would enter Honeysuckle Hollow and some would disappear, others assuming they had found that enlightenment. In reality, they appeared in Sylvania and chose to stay for their own reasons. Back on the Woodzeez world, the exodus of critters wasn't universally accepted. As I understand it, Honeysuckle Hollow was eventually fenced off but that didn’t stop the pilgrims. At some point, someone decided to take drastic action and went into Honeysuckle Hollow to try and destroy the portal. An unknown Woodzeez critter came through and attacked the unusual stone that appeared to keep the route open and stable. Once a large chunk had been removed, it was taken away. Hidden or destroyed, we never discovered."

I had a crazy thought. "And you said this was before Mellowdene was founded."

"I did." 

"The unusual stone - could it have been part of the Dreamstone?"

"As in Dreamstones and Beastie Hunts? Now we are getting into the realms of fantasy."

"And yet Xenophon Treefellow wears a pendant bearing a sliver that he confirmed was part of the Dreamstone. It helped activate the proto crystals in Tall Tree Forest. And Mellowdene has its own special piece. "

"What are you talking about?" 

"You mean you don't know? The founders of Mellowdene found a chunk of Dreamstone when they were diverting the waters from Sweetwater Lake. It exists. Darcy has seen it. Cecile has seen it."

"This is beyond belief. Mellowdenians have seen it? Where is it?" He looked almost annoyed.

"It's beneath the chapel. Ask Kelvin."

"I will. I can't believe the SRG didn't know about it."

"Could it be that our Dreamstone is the one hidden by the Woodzeez activist?"

"I've no idea. I need to process what you've told me."

"Surely it's too far from Tall Tree Forest to have created the route the Chunglewoodians took..."

"Jackson! Put your imagination on hold. I need to think. And no, I think the portal to Chunglewood is unlikely to have been affected by anything in Mellowdene. "

"Why not?"

"Because in the past there have been other brief breaches elsewhere in Sylvania. There. I've said enough. I'm going. 'Bye, brother."

With that, he started to leave.

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I caught up with him in the hallway.

"Wait, Newton. Other breaches?"

"I'm not going into details. Suffice to say, once the original Woodzeez breach had closed, there were echoes in other parts of Sylvania. Decades apart. The one that led to Chunglewood is likely to have been the most recent and longer lasting."

"But these other breaches..."

"Leave it, Jack. By all indications the Chunglewood route was the last. It's all stable now. Furthermore, it won't help the Woodzeez there to learn of the earlier ones. And I'm going. 'Bye Jack."   

"No, wait," I said, a little concerned at his behaviour. "Have I done something to offend you? You seem a little... tetchy." 

My twin stopped, sighed and leaned against the wall heater. "No Jack. I'm sorry. It's nothing personal. It's just that I've thought through something you have said and I've realised it puts me in a bind."

"A bind? Sorry about that - but what did I say?"

"You said there was proof the Dreamstone existed and that the owls know about it. You know Aristotle Treefellow helped educate me through upper school and he said nothing. And you say Xenophon wears a small piece?"

"Well, Cecile spotted it and pointed it out. He may not have mentioned it otherwise."

"That's not really the point and it's not the main issue anyway. The real point is that I've worked for the Sylvanian Research Group for years and I have quite a responsible position. To the best of my knowledge, they consider the Dreamstone to be a fairy tale. Do you realise what that means?"

"Not really."

"It either means they're keeping secrets within the Group - ones to which I'm not privy - or that the Owl Collective haven't mentioned it to them throughout their long association." He shook his head. "Where does that leave me? What do I say to my work colleagues?"

I hadn’t seen Newton this way since we were children and he'd discovered that one of our teachers was mistaken in some random subject matter. I'd recommended that he speak to the teacher privately. I wasn't sure that similar advice was appropriate for the current situation but I had to say something.

"You need to consider what the Sylvanian Research Group would do if they discovered there was a piece of Dreamstone under the chapel. Both Cecile and Darcy say it gave them visions of the Snow Queen. Would they try and take it away for research?"

"Visions? It gets worse!"

"Calm down, Newton. I've not been to see it. I wouldn't want visions no matter how comforting that may be. But the stone is important to Mellowdene. Not just its spiritual history. Village history. It is an artefact discovered by our founders. If there's a chance it may be taken away... even if they think it could be used to help recreate the original Woodzeez path..."

"Stop, stop!" Newton exclaimed and then he looked towards the door to my living room. He moderated his tone in case it summoned Cecile and her friends. "You're probably right. I won't say anything. At least until I've considered all the consequences."

He sighed, attempting to calm down and then he smiled. "When did you become the logician, Jack? Adventurer, manipulator of wild energies and now a mind like a trap? I'm used to you being a songwriter and a boy who made up stories for the classroom."

"It surprises me too."

He squeezed my shoulder then moved towards the door, speaking over his shoulder.

"Brothermeets, eh? I'm glad you're my twin, Jack."

I watched him go down the garden path and until he left my sight.

Why is it, when one thinks one has found answers, other questions bubble to the surface? 

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Monday 30 September 2024

The Brothermeet (Part One)

On the way home from the Bear Pit Club my brother Merlin seemed pensive. I was about to ask him if there was a problem when he made a statement.

"I've got something on my mind and I think it warrants a Brothermeet."


"I'd prefer to talk about it when we're all together."

I nodded and we continued on our way. 

A "Brothermeet" is a term we coined when we three Butterglove brothers were children. We had recognised our individual strengths (see the January 2020 story "The Time Capsule" for details) and concluded that there would be occasions that our combined viewpoints were required on a given quandary.

As an avid reader Merlin had a breadth of knowledge that has grown over the years. Newton had an analytical mind that led to him being tutored by the Treefellows, becoming a Professor and headhunted by the Sylvanian Research Group. I was supposed to be the imaginative, creative one. As a child I made up stories (which arguably accounts in part for Brendan's imagination) and wanted to make music. Merlin said I was good at lateral thinking and that complemented his and Newton's contributions in a Brothermeet.

I wondered what was on Merlin's mind that prompted the gathering, something we hadn't done in a while.

o 0 O 0 o

"It's about the Woodzeez," said Merlin. "I've spent quite some time chatting with Owen Quiller as we've researched other Woodzeez inhabitants in Sylvania. He's said things that I'd like to clarify in my mind." 

"You do know that I've not personally met any Chunglewood inhabitants?" said Newton. "Other than Ricardo Porcini - and he didn't discuss his origins."

"Well, that's what I want to discuss," said Merlin. "Owen's told me things that he'd previously kept secret. That the Woodzeez didn't originate in Sylvania." 

I remembered that Mulder Honey-Fox had suspected as much.

"However," said Merlin, "That wasn't what he originally claimed. At first, he said that his people had followed an unusual route from a distant Sylvanian island and that the route had inexplicably disappeared. I remembered what you said, Jack, about the portals, speed tunnels and all that weird spatial stuff, so a disappearing route didn't seem that crazy."

I noticed how Newton raised a brow whilst looking at me. We hadn't gone into details about my adventures but I suspected he'd learned enough from his contacts. Rather than pursue that, I addressed Merlin.

"What did you think he was hiding?"

"I didn't think we'd be ignorant of a large Sylvanian island. I pretended I was confused and explained how owls were amongst the first critters in Sylvania and - as they could fly - they had mapped aĺl of the land masses within the Ring of Sylvania. I said that I couldn't understand how they could have missed the Woodzeez island."


"He looked embarrassed and modified his story, offering an explanation for his deception."

Owen had said that his story was accurate but for one aspect. The route they followed originated on another world. When he and his companions emerged within the clearing they didn't know they had passed into Sylvania. Even after the route vanished and they found themselves stranded they believed they were still in another part of the Woodzeez world. They had found a signposted path to leave the clearing but found it impassable. They resigned themselves to staying put and living their lives there, naming the place Chunglewood.

When a handful of owls and other Sylvanians appeared at their village, they learned the truth - that they had wandered into another world. However, their elected leader - Roy Kingsberry - advised they should not reveal their off-world origins, not knowing how strangers would be treated.

Newton awaited the end of the explanation before commenting.

"The fact is, the Owl Collective knew that they didn't start out as Sylvanians. They won't have contradicted the Chunglewood explanation, figuring they had their own reasons for obscuring their past. You see, they and the Sylvanian Research Group both knew that Woodzeez critters had reached Sylvania long ago. This was before Mellowdene was founded so we're talking many years. They knew that they had passed through from another world."

Merlin stared at my twin. "Why all the secrecy?"

Newton regarded us, appearing to come to a decision.

"Those Woodzeez came via a breach beneath the Central Mountains. A breach was comparatively stable despite being in an unstable area. Once they emerged, they were surreptitiously guided to the surface by guardians who protected that area. We found out that the Woodzeez were on a pilgrimage from somewhere they called Honeysuckle Hollow. Then, one day the breach was compromised and it closed. By that time, many hundreds of Woodzeez had joined Sylvanian society. The few Sylvanians in the know accepted that the newcomers had originated in another world but chose to keep it secret. The alternative was to reveal the truth of what was below the mountains..." - he looked at me, pointedly - "...such as speed-tunnels."

"Wait," said Merlin, "Are you saying that all the Woodzeez people that Owen and I have discovered on our research..."

"...are descendants of those pilgrims? Yes, in all probability. It follows that if the Chunglewood villagers are looking for a way back to the Woodzeez world, I doubt they'll have any success."

A sigh, and Merlin looked down. "I don't want to dash their hopes."

"Well, that's up to you. I suspect they'll discover the truth after a while. That their world is lost to them. At least for now."

"Is that why you called the Brothermeet, Merle?" I asked. "To find out about the other Woodzeez?"

"No, it was about the concept of other worlds. I'd hoped Owen was under a misapprehension, but now you've confirmed it, Newt."

"Are you worried that the Woodzeez are too different from us?" I asked.

"No, of course not. I like Owen. Ricardo is a jolly chap and I've no reason to think the others will be any different. No, I'm worried how the idea of other worlds will be accepted by Mellowdenians. For example, how will it fit with the Snow Queen myth? Does it mess with the spiritual beliefs of the village?"   

"Interesting point," said Newton. "Are you thinking it will cause a crisis of faith? It shouldn't be too hard to adapt... let me think."

He rose from his chair and stood silently, eyes focused somewhere in the distance. Merlin and I exchanged glances as Newton's mind was temporarily elsewhere. But not for long. 

"Okay," said Newton. "Think of it this way. Matilda Billabong makes pots and other ceramics. A bowl and a vase are both containers but different. Think of this when you consider the Snow Queen's creations. Realms with the same purpose but different in composition. There you go."

He sat back as if everything should be clear. 

It wasn't clear for me but Merlin was nodding.

"Are you proposing that the Snow Queen made worlds for Woodzeez, Sylvanians and possibly other types of critters? Each world subtly different? How many could there be?"

I jumped in. "Wait a minute. The Mellowdenian myth says the Snow Queen sacrificed herself to create Sylvania. Are you saying the other worlds came first? That we were the last straw that exhausted her?"

Newton twitched an almost smile. "Come on, Jack. You know I'm a scientist so I take the logical approach. Perhaps the worlds were created sequentially or all were created in a single creation event. It doesn't matter in the scheme of things. If you're bothered about it, Jack, remember that philosophy and spiritualism are more Reverend Kelvin Waters' areas of expertise."

"So if I understand you correctly, you're saying we can simply adjust our beliefs," said Merlin, "and accept that the Woodzeez realm was also created by the Snow Queen, somehow."

"Somehow," confirmed Newton.

"Still," I said, thinking through consequences, "the idea of multiple worlds is a big one. If it leads to the speed-tunnels being exposed..."

"Trust my twin to highlight the real problem," said Newton. "That should've been me."

"Perhaps Roy Kingsberry had the right idea," I mused.

"Go on," prompted Newton.

"That the Chunglewoodians are from some isolated part of Sylvania."


"For want of a better word. One could even say they took a boat trip and got lost."

"Imaginative. It could work. Yet it still leaves the question of unusual routes into Tall Tree Forest."

"People already consider the Forest weird. It wouldn't be hard to convince people that the Woodzeez wandered into the clearing and couldn't find their way out."

"It's not particularly near the coast," said Newton. "I suppose it's feasible they came ashore on the north coast, followed the mountain pass, bypassed Mellowdene..."

"...and went into the Forest," I added.

"Why would they do that?" asked Merlin.

"They're called Woodzeez. Maybe they like woods."

Merlin grimaced. "Are you happy with all this fibbing?"

"Not particularly, but I suspect Roy Kingsberry would be happy if it helps his people fit in."


"And it's unlikely we'll personally be asked questions. However, it would be an idea to pre-warn Kelvin that his parishioners might be asking questions once the news gets out."

Merlin laughed quietly. "Poor Kelvin."

"Good. That's settled," said Newton. "Anything else?"

"I don't think so. I'll brief Owen. Thank you both."

"Pleasure, Merle," I replied. "So if we're done...?"

"Brothermeet adjourned."

But the discussions were not entirely over...

(To be continued)  

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